Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Bernards watch !

Wednesday 21st April -I really wish I had Bernard's watch and could stop time ! It is just flying past so quickly which may be lovely for some but I have so much work to do , I could do with an extra few hours okay days ! Yesterday I went to a meeting with heritage for health which was interesting as they are clearly still trying to find their feet. On the plus side they were positive about the event and keen to get involved! After the meeting I went with Zoe to choose fabric for our T-shirts , which I am sure will be amazing! After a brief stint doing some work I went to the Oval theatre to rehearse for ' When women wee ' the play is taking great shape and we are doing a lot of impro and hot seating with the actresses , so I am constantly thinking of new scenarios for them to try out which at the moment is hard when my head is filled with so much other stuff that is going on !
Thursday 22nd April- Myself and Ben wanted to talk to the whole group about our ideas for the story so we decided to run a workshop with the main aim being , fun! I felt that because we are all so busy that we have stopped having fun , so we played grandma's footsteps, honey I love you and then my favourite bit was to make everyone act like an animal ! I really enjoyed this session as did others as we just laughed and had a good time!
Its Sunday its 7.30 am where am I ? not in bed that's for sure! Grey court car boot sale for my sins! Myself , Mark , Siobhan and Megan set up our very own car boot sale challenge ! It started off wonderfully until we had a slight run in with mother nature who decided that after a beautiful sunny week now was the time for the heavens to open! As always I was NOT dressed weather appropriate so I had to buy a umbrella as we all tried to seek shelter under marks car boto roof ! It was decided that we would go inside and set up a stall there , leaving mark to brave the weather all in the name of Ham House 400th birthday ! I myself always seemed to find reasons to stay inside , not because it was warm or had a radiator! Car boots sales are like nothing on earth ! the people there go crazy for it , trying their best to haggle anything and everything and when a new stall opens they sweep in trying to be the first to get a bargain! We made around £70 and still have plenty of stuff left over to sell at another one on the 23rd May . Thanks to everyone who came and helped it was actually really fun! and well done to everyone who did the activities at Ham House on Saturday! Oh and thanks to Mark Griiiifiiinnnn who cooked us a lovely lunch after the slog of the car booty !

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